What Compromised “Christian” Artists Can Teach Us About Staying Faithful in Marriage

In the early to mid-1980s, we had a handful of popular Christian artists to choose from. Artists like Michael W. Smith, Rich Mullins, Sandi Patti, and Amy Grant. Individuals/groups who claimed to be Christians and sang uplifting songs. Stryper was also popular at the time but they were a heavy-metal band that only appealed to a specific niche. As a teenager, I saw them in a small venue. Though I can’t say I remember a single song from them.

By the late 1980s and into the 1990s, the list of “Christian artists” grew exponentially, adding groups like DC Talk, Third Day, Newsboys, Jars of Clay, Switchfoot, and many others.

Nowadays, the selection is nearly limitless. It includes individuals and groups listed as Christian artists but are as far from Christ as possible.

For some examples, read Contemporary Christian Music (CCM) Artists Who Aren’t Christians.

Unfortunately, the rest of the overwhelming majority are composed of those who claim to be Christians but either don’t act or sing like it. Or they collaborate with anti-Christians.

For specifics, read Christian artists who are heretics or apostates – or align with them.

How did this happen?

To answer that, we’ll look at some so-called Christian artists and their fall from grace, and discover how married couples can avoid the same pitfalls in their relationships.

Guarding Against Temptation

Temptation is prevalent in nearly everything we do. Why do you think marketers put junk food at the checkout counters? They tempt our sugar-addicted pallets with the perceived promise of satisfaction.

Marriages are also tested against temptation. The most common are external temptations, such as that guy at work who’s a great listener. Or that busty female bartender at your favorite guy’s night-out spot.

Emotional Boundaries

Emotional boundaries are important when it comes to the opposite sex. Starting as “friends” can quickly turn to infidelity if you’re not careful.

My wife and I have a rule that we won’t be in the same space alone with a member of the opposite sex. For example, we won’t ride in the car with someone of the opposite sex unless there’s another person there, too. The only exception to this is family.

Please understand, that temptation doesn’t have to be a person. Hobbies, gambling, drinking, drugs, etc. can all be forms of infidelity if they take priority over your spouse.

Music artists face the same forms of temptation as well as fame and fortune.

Let’s look at Lauren Daigle for example. Like most Christian artists, she started singing in choir at church. Like many aspiring vocalists, she tried out for American Idol in 2010 and 2012.

She got her start singing backup. By 2013, she was a fill-in for the song “Nothing Is Waisted” by Jason Gray. In response, Centricity Music signed her to a music deal.

Later that year, she released the single “Light of the World” from the album “Christmas: Joy to the World.” It was a collection of songs from various Centricity Music artists. This was her introduction into Christian music. With her newly developed fan base, she was asked to join Aaron Shust and Mikeschair on their Morning Rises Fall Tour.

In late 2014, she released her breakout single “How Can It Be.” The album was released the following year and reached number 1 on the Billboard Christian Albums chart.

Eighteen months after its release, the album had sold over 500,000 copies and reached Gold Record status.

In 2015, she was named Best New Artist at the Dove Awards and received the award for Best Song of the Year for How Can It Be. At the K-LOVE awards show that year, she accepted the Worship Song of the Year award.

The album won the Billboard Award for Top Christian Album in 2016 and was nominated for a Grammy for Best Contemporary Christian Music Album.

And she kept climbing.

Lauren Daigle saw what she wanted and went after it. Unfortunately, being a “Christian Artist” was not part of it. She desired to be big and famous without the attachment of God or Christianity.

Video: Lauren Daigle “I’m just an artist.” (start at the 8:55 mark)

As men, we’re visual beings whereas women are emotional. Men will typically have an affair with an attractive woman. While a woman is more likely to have an affair with a man who shows her attention.

Either way, it’s a sin to even think of going after what we want if that thing goes against God’s design.

“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ 28 But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” – Matthew 5:27-28.

Set emotional boundaries with your wife. Don’t ride in vehicles or be alone in a room with a lady who isn’t your wife or family member. And refrain from being witty with other women, it can come off as flirting.

Time and Attention

In 2018, she released the single “You Say” which spent 60 weeks at number one on the Hot Christian Songs chart. According to Billboard, it was the second-biggest Christian song of 2018.

That was the same year she went on Ellen (the Ellen DeGeneres show) and sang “Still Rolling Stones.” On a podcast shortly thereafter, in a roundabout fashion said she didn’t believe what the Bible says about homosexuality.

Lauren was catapulted into stardom for her work as a Christian Artist. She’d received numerous awards, tours with fellow Christian artists, and was well-known in Christian homes around the world.

However, by 2019, Lauren Daigle said in an interview that she no longer considered herself to be a Christian artist. Rather, just an artist.

Lauren had crossed over into the secular market and realized there was more money and fame to be had. In order to do that completely, she had to drop the “Christian” part.

In marriage, temptation is everywhere. If we’re not careful it can slip in slowly and quietly. And before long, we have fallen victim to the devil’s snare and become compromised.

Lauren Daigle’s focus changed from God to man (secular success) and compromised her faith as a result. In the same way, a spouse might focus more on work and outside sources over their partner. This can lead to a breakdown in communication and intimacy.

Stay true to your marriage vows, honor what God’s Word says, and reject the temptations of the evil one.

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” – John 10:10

“Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. 8 Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.” – James 4:7-8

Many of these “Christian” artists team up with non-Christians to make or sell their music. I would say most fans don’t know the difference or the truth. Or perhaps they do but simply don’t care. For those of us who do know and do care, we try to educate others on why it is important.

“For nothing is hidden that will not be made manifest, nor is anything secret that will not be known and come to light.” – Luke 8:17

In marriage, the more time you spend with your wife, the better you’ll know her (and she you). Which can be either a good or bad thing.

Nonetheless, we stood before God and our family and declared, “For better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, ‘til death do us part.” Spend time with your wife. Honor her. Love her. And don’t be like the 50% of married couples who believe those vows are nothing more than lip service.

The Dangers of Pride and Self-Sufficiency

Did you know Lucifer’s fall from grace was due to his pride? For more on that, consider reading Isaiah 14:12-15 and Ezekiel 28:12b-18.

Just as Satan was prideful due to his beauty, many Christian artists fall into a similar trap as a result of their success.

Most of the Christian artists started out singing in their church. Then they start writing their stuff. Usually, within a few years of making a record deal, they’re singing in front of thousands of fans. And before they know it, they’re being nominated at various awards shows.

Once they get a taste, they want more of it. And that’s when they begin to compromise. Not because of their initial success but to sustain it.

In order to sustain it, perhaps they change record labels to one that can get them more record sales. Regardless of how scrupulous that might be. Maybe they begin collaborating with heretics or known Satanists. Afterall, the other artist(s) have sold millions of records and put out tons of albums. Or perhaps they begin pandering to the woke mob.

Whatever it is, they’ve become compromised.

“You may say to yourself, ‘My power and my own ability have gained this wealth for me,’ 18 but remember that the Lord your God gives you the power to gain wealth, in order to confirm His covenant, He swore to your ancestors, as it is today.” – Deuteronomy 8:17-18

As much as we want to take credit for our abilities, we must remember it was God who gave us the knowledge and ability to gain experience and wisdom.

Pride was the cause of Satan’s fall along with many has-been artists. Be intentional about not letting your marriage go the same way.

Ignoring Accountability

What happens when a mentor, accountability partner, friend, or family member tries to call the artist out for their compromise? Because they don’t want to lose what they’ve achieved, they’re likely to distance themselves from those who are trying to redirect them.

And none of us are not exempt from this either. In marriage, each person is accountable to their partner and a trusted friend, mentor, or family member.

“Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.” – Proverbs 16:18.

Creating an accountability partner with someone beyond your spouse will create that extra layer of protection. When choosing an accountability partner, they must be of the same gender, like-minded, and someone you can trust.


One possible bi-product of success is overconfidence. Developing confidence is typical the better we get at something. Christian artists who see success in their music will become confident in themselves. The problem becomes when they choose to rely on themselves instead of God.

When artists become so popular in their fame, they begin to feel invincible. And that’s when they stop relying on God.

“So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall!” – 1 Corinthians 10:12.

 As couples, we can fall into a similar struggle. When our relationships go well, we develop overconfidence and get into a holding pattern.  The perceived strength of our relationship blinds us from the need to continually work at our marriage. If we’re not careful, we could begin neglecting the work it takes to stay close.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding; 6 in all your ways know Him, and He will make your paths straight. Humble yourself and suppress the desire to do life on your own. In other words, refrain from making decisions without help from God and others.” – Proverbs 3:5-6

A confident and wise person is someone who knows they don’t know everything. So, put your faith and trust in God and learn to rely on each other. Because life is a team sport.

Neglecting Spiritual Disciplines

Successful artists who’ve become overconfident in themselves push away God. Perhaps not at first. It starts with reading scripture less and less. And then prayer time becomes a thing of the past. After which moral failure begins to creep in.

This can happen to anyone. Even those of us who aren’t successful musicians or artists. As we journey through life, many non-biblical things will seem to take priority over time with God. Things like taking kids to sports games on Sunday mornings instead of church. Even the excuse of being short on time, so not taking a moment to thank God for the food we’re about to eat.  

In marriage, as we neglect spiritual habits of praying, going to church, and reading the Bible together, our relationship weakens as a result. And like our spiritual discipline, the joy in marriage we once felt will slip away.

“Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.” – Matthew 26:41.

Take time each day to pray with and for each other. Open your Bible and study God’s Word. And don’t allow Satan to get a foothold in any part of your marriage.

Faithfulness in the Small Things

Christian artists often fall because they compromise in small areas. Let’s remember the example of Lauren Daigle. As she became more popular, she started doing interviews and shows with people who seemed to live their lives in stark contrast to the Word of God.

As Lauren’s popularity rose, and she became comfortable supporting the LGBTQ+ community, she drifted away from her beliefs. To the point when she said she considered herself to be an “artist” not a “Christian artist.”

Why? Because she wasn’t willing to acknowledge God and His sovereignty anymore. God had been replaced in her life.

Similarly, in marriage, it’s the small daily decisions that determine long-term faithfulness.

Integrity in Thought Life

The band Casting Crowns used to be one of my favorite Christian artists. However, in recent years, they’ve partnered with known heretics and compromised artists. Needless to say, I don’t follow them anymore.

Nonetheless, they have a song that encapsulates how quickly and easily a passing thought can turn into a compromise in marriage.

The song “Slow Fade” discusses how infidelity can creep into a marriage. The lyrics explain how it’s something that doesn’t happen all at once. It’s a slow fade from solidarity to compromise.

The video starts with a young girl waking to the sound of her parents arguing. Her mother was arguing with her father regarding his infidelity with another woman.

It begins with the words, “Be careful little eyes what you see. It’s the second glance that ties your hands as darkness pulls the strings.” And the chorus is, “It’s a slow fade when you give yourself away. It’s a slow fade when black and white turn to gray. And thoughts invade, choices are made, a price will be paid when you give yourself away. People never crumble in a day. It’s a slow fade.”

As a reminder of what Jesus said in Matthew 5, looking at a woman with lust in your heart is equal to cheating on your wife with her. (Matthew 5:27-28)

Like their music, Casting Crowns began strong. Over time, however, they began associating themselves with groups like Hillsong and Elevation. Both come from severely compromised churches. And they’re no longer the group they once were.

“Finally brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable—if there is any moral excellence and if there is anything praiseworthy—dwell on these things.” – Philippians 4:8.

Remember to hold your thoughts captive when they come to anything not of, for, or by God. If you’re going to fantasize about anything, let it be your wife. Since she’s the one God gave to you.

Time Spent Together

Full-time musicians spend a lot of time on the road away from their families. Their job includes writing songs, selling albums, and then sharing them with others. YouTube, Pandora, and other outlets only get you so far. They know they have to get out to the fans, wherever they may be.

As a result, they spend longer periods away from their families. Casting Crowns did this part right, at least in the beginning. They made a pact they would always return home for church with their families on Sunday. Not sure if they still follow through with that.

Artists who spend most of their time away from home, not only drift away from their families, they also drive away from God.

Married couples can do likewise. Instead of traveling the world playing music, they spend all of their time at work. Even when at home, they’re still mentally at work. As a result, couples begin to drift apart and even separate due to “irreconcilable differences.”

Related article: Priorities in a Healthy Work-Life Balance.

“Enjoy life with your wife, whom you love, all the days of this meaningless life that God has given you under the sun…” – Ecclesiastes 9:9.

Before the two of you got married, you were likely infatuated with one another. Because feelings come and go, it’s important to remember that love is a choice. So, spend time with each other, rekindle that flame, and let your love for one another abound.

Confession and Repentance

Have you ever heard a well-known Christian artist or pastor repent? And I don’t mean after they were caught. The answer is, no. Most of us, famous or not, don’t want others to know about our failures. Famous people have a reputation to uphold and are even less likely to confess.

When someone goes public about a sin, it’s usually in response to a demand for such an apology.

God doesn’t want us to confess our sins out of obligation. He wants us to willingly and openly confess our sins to Him and one another.

“Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is very powerful in its effect.” – James 5:16

Those who end up confessing their sins in public, even if coerced, often express the sense of freedom that comes from it.

“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” – 1 John 1:9.

As humans, we’re likely to fall prey to sin due to our propensity toward it. When it happens, and it will, we need to be quick to confess, ask for forgiveness, and repent (turn away from that way). Doing this can restore the trust that had been broken.

Compromised artists teach us that small compromises can lead to big failures, but they also remind us that repentance and restoration are always possible. By applying the lessons from their lives to our marriages, we can build stronger, God-centered relationships. So, guard against temptation, stay humble, and remain faithful to the small things in your life and marriage.

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