The Weakening of Men in Society

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For decades, there’s been an all-out attack on the masculinity of men in America and around the world. Not of mankind, but of men specifically. I refer to this as Demasculinization.

In the early 19th century, feminism (aka the Feminist Movement) took hold in the US. Which, if you know your history, was before the Civil War. And, if you know your Bible, it goes back to the beginning with Adam and Eve.

Genesis 3 tells us that the woman (Eve) decided to go against what her husband (Adam) told her not to do. God had given Adam instructions not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. He then told Eve after she was created. We know that because Eve told the serpent as such.

She saw that the fruit looked tasty and wanted to eat it; going against what her husband had warned. The devil saw her desire and capitalized on it. After eating it, she convinced Adam to do likewise.

America turned from God’s order and has made many efforts to demasculinize men in society. The woke agenda is putting it into overdrive.

The order is God, man, woman, beast (creatures – animals, birds, fish, reptilians, etc.). The devil is using these charlatans to flip God’s order on its head. Satan has convinced his workers of iniquity to make it beast, woman, man, and the removal of God completely.

Satan and his woke minions have many other lies they’re trying to portray to humanity. Thankfully, God and His followers win in the end. Lies will never be the truth. No matter how often they’re told.

The following are just a few examples of how Satan is trying to turn God’s design upside down.

Males Portrayed as “Inadequate” – Requiring a Female Heroin

In many recent shows and movies, women are being cast in masculine roles traditionally portrayed by men.

Movies like Black Panther II, Captain Marvel, Wonder Woman, and Ghostbusters: Answer the Call to name a few. All of which have females saving men because the men are pictured as inadequate or weaker than the female heroines.

These examples are depictions designed to make the male either inept or irrelevant and thereby replaceable by a woman.

When, in actuality, we know that men are biologically stronger than women. We need to look no further than biological males in female sports. It’s a fact every sane human being has known since the beginning of time.

Understand, it’s not by accident that these types of shows and movies are being made in the way they are. It’s an orchestrated effort to flip God’s order upside down.

I’m sure I’ll get flack by feminists, members of the LGB community, and even some fellow “Christians” who’ve bought into the lies.

Our country is falling the way of Ancient Rome, Sodom, and Gamora. We know how they ended up. “Evil prospers when good men do nothing.” – John Philpot Curran.

Males Acting as Females

(Transgender and drag queens)

Satan hasn’t stopped portraying women as being stronger than men. He’s been able to convince some that a man could be turned into a woman. Or that a woman could be turned into a man. Neither of these is true.

They used to call it “cross-dressing.” However, because cross-dressing gives the impression that it’s simply a person of one gender who dresses as a person of the other, Satan had to come up with a new term. That’s why the woke redefined the act of someone who does this as transgender.

The term indicates a person who used to be one gender should now be considered another. To make it more depraved, some consider themselves to be “gender fluid.” A term meaning they can choose and change their gender at will.

I don’t plan to get into the scientific impossibility of that. I’ll suffice it to say that a person born as a male will never be a female. And vice versa. No matter the lengths a person goes through to change their external appearance, they can never change their genetic makeup.

Just as the East can’t be the West, a lie will never be the truth. No matter how much one may want to believe it.

Satan Has Infiltrated the Christian Church

There are several ways Satan has infiltrated the Christian church. Some denominations have ordained women, homosexuals, and even pedophiles. Yet, 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1 specify the requirements of a pastor.

The pastor (i.e., preacher, overseer, bishop, etc.) must be a man. And he must be married to one woman.

With those two requirements as directed in the Bible, women, homosexuals, and pedophiles are not eligible.

Which begs the question, how were they ordained then? Because Satan has infiltrated the Christian church.

Another way he has infiltrated is through “Christian” music.

I wrote several articles on this topic alone. Suffice it to say, there are far more compromised Christian artists than there are non-compromised. To be honest, it’s like playing Russian roulette with Christian music (as to whether it’s a compromised artist or not). However, instead of one round in the chamber, there are five.

The likelihood you listen to compromised artists greatly exceeds the probability you’re not.

A third way Satan has infiltrated the Christian church (definitely not the last) is through false teachers. Often referred to as wolves in sheep’s clothing. And the list of them is longer than my arm. I wrote multiple articles on this topic too.

Interestingly enough they’re not eligible for the position either. Because they’re all lovers of money.

That’s what happens when wolves ordain other wolves to be shepherds.

“If I Were the Devil” by Paul Harvey

Please listen to Paul Harvey’s “If I Were the Devil” speech, if you’ve never heard it. In less than four minutes, this recording from 1965 clearly describes what America has become.

The demasculinization of America is not by accident. After the government, Satan infiltrated the Christian church. The two main bodies that govern the people. And because most Christians don’t read their Bible, they’re not able to differentiate between truth and lies.

Even though this verse is referring to Israel, it’s still a good reminder that we need to seek God as a nation again.

“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”2 Chronicles 7:14

If you found value in this article, consider reading Choosing a New Path for Your Family.

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