No, It’s OUR Money!
Before the Biden regime took power in 2021, the continental US had a population of slightly over 331 million. That didn’t include the 10-20 million illegal aliens we “knew” about. Individuals that the American taxpayers have to support.
With the regime essentially projecting a “we’re open” sign to the world, by all estimates the number of illegals in the country has doubled since then, creating even more debt. And that’s the ones we know of.
Currently, the politicians in Washington D.C. have racked up over $35 trillion in debt. It’s so big and incomprehensible that it’s almost meaningless.
In case you didn’t know or didn’t understand, the debt ($35 trillion) is what our government has had to borrow to pay for its spending. Think of it like a credit card; it has to be paid back with interest.
For now, let’s focus on the 331 million people lawfully living in the US. These are individuals with either a social security number or a visa. Since illegals don’t have either, they can’t be tracked.
To break down what $1 trillion looks like. Imagine what you could do with $1 million. That’s a lot of money, right? Most people will never see that amount in their lifetime. Even if they added up their yearly pay throughout their entire working life.
Well, $1 trillion is 1 million times more than $1 million.
Since our deficit is over $35 trillion and counting, each one of the 331 million people lawfully living in the US is on the hook for roughly $105,740.
Let’s say you’re married and have two kids. The amount the government agreed to borrow on your behalf is $422,960. That’s what your family would owe if the bill collectors came a calling.
Do you have that kind of money on hand? 99% of us don’t.
You might be asking; how did we get this far in debt?
Are you aware of all the shady practices that happen in Washington D.C. to get bills to pass? It’s not just the big expenditures like the Iraq and Afghanistan wars that have driven up our debt.
During the Obama regime, they pushed through a 100% partisan bill (passed without a single Republican vote) called the Affordable Care Act (ACA). More affectionately known as Obamacare. It was the government’s attempt to take over healthcare and force it on the American people.
“The 9 most terrifying words in the English language are: ‘I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.’” – Ronald Reagan
Part of the act included provisions for a website for individuals to purchase their healthcare plan. They originally had budgeted the website to cost around $800 million.
Rather than utilize an American company, the Obama regime contracted the Canadian firm CGI Federal to create the website. And it didn’t go so well. was riddled with problems. And, according to National Review, a report was produced stating that it ended up costing the US taxpayers over $2.14 billion.
The article goes on to say, “CBO estimates the health law will boost Medicaid spending by $20 billion in fiscal 2014 and by more than $350 billion through 2019.”
For those who don’t know, CBO stands for Congressional Budget Office. And they’re almost always on the low end of what something actually costs. That’s because their reports are built upon flawed assumptions.
It was for all intended purposes an abject failure. Lack of project leadership was the driving force for the cost being so high. And that was just the website.
Let’s not forget, that rather than keep the money here in the U.S., the Obama regime chose a Canadian company.
Oh, and that $352.14 billion doesn’t include the mind-shift marketing necessary to get buy-in for it.
Funding for Ukraine
Between January 2022 and October 2023, the U.S. spent and/or sent more than $75.4 billion for their war efforts against Russia.
The Federal Government is sending billions to support another country fighting its battle, while they simultaneously work to weaken our armed forces by focusing on woke ideology training rather than defending our nation.
Money for Iran
Iran is the number one state sponsor of terrorism in the world. Videos have surfaced where we can hear Iranians (including those in the Iranian government) chanting, “Death to America.”
Yet both the Obama and Biden regimes continue to send billions of U.S. taxpayer money to them. Why would we give money to a nation that wants to kill us?
Still Paying for Abortions
Even after Roe v Wade was overturned, the Biden regime is still funneling US taxpayer dollars to organizations that provide abortions on demand (Planned Parenthood).
According to this Washington Times article, “During the Trump administration, the Small Business Administration ruled that Planned Parenthood clinics were ineligible for PPP loans and sought to claw back the funding, citing their status as affiliates of Planned Parenthood of America, which employs an estimated 16,000 people nationwide.
“Under the Biden administration, however, Planned Parenthood affiliates were deemed eligible for PPP loans, much to the frustration of Republicans.
“’This is a big deal,’ Sen. Rand Paul, Kentucky Republican, told the SBA administrator at a March 2021 hearing. ‘The previous administration said this was unlawful and told them to return the money. Your administration is now giving them the money. This is a legal question.’”
US Digital Dollar
The U.S. Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) aka the US digital dollar. Not only would a digital dollar threaten our freedom, but it has and will cost us (the taxpayers) billions of dollars to implement. For something we don’t want.
The way it threatens our freedom is, that with a digital dollar, the government could track and even restrict the use of those funds.
According to Investopedia, the US CBDC “should provide a medium for executing instant and seamless cross-border transactions.” With other countries. That means no conversion is necessary.
What does that sound like? One World Currency.
“He required everyone—small and great, rich and poor, free and slave—to be given a mark on the right hand or on the forehead. 17 And no one could buy or sell anything without that mark, which was either the name of the beast or the number representing his name.” – Revelation 13:16-17
Where am I getting the idea that it will become a one-world currency? Three words – World Economic Forum.
From their website, in an article on digital currency dated February 5, 2021, it says, “Last week was big for digital currencies with the Davos Agenda taking place and, separately, the release of the third BIS survey on central bank digital currency (CBDC).”
Did you notice the date? February 5, 2021. The article said “last week” which means late January. That’s about 1 week after the Biden regime took power.
Then a little over one year later, Biden ordered an investigation into the creation of a central bank digital currency.
If you don’t know what digital currency is, Forbes has an article that gives a good explanation.
Having physical cash is essential to our society and way of life. If nothing else, it helps prevent government overreach.
Yet, They Want More!
That’s a lot so far and we’ve barely scratched the surface of their out-of-control spending. And yet, they want more. Under the Biden regime, the speed of federal government spending our money has hit an all-time high.
In FY 2022, according to the Federal Treasury, the Federal Government spent $6.13 trillion. Which is roughly 23% of the gross domestic product (GDP). And that’s why they want more. Members on both sides of the aisle are guilty of wanting that percentage to be higher.
Never mind that our debt is so high and continues to grow every second. Realistically, we could never repay it. And unlike a credit card, we can’t declare bankruptcy to get out of it. Take Venezuela as an example of what happens when a country tries that.
That’s why we need to get fiscal conservatives into the three branches of government. And not individuals who pay lip service leading up to an election year. Elections matter!
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