“Christian” Pastors Who Are Like Cult Leader?
In this article, we’re going to look at various cult leader characteristics and how they align with some "Christian" pastors....
The Apostolic Church – Were They Catholic?
Since Catholics see Peter as their first pope, does that mean he was Catholic? If so, were the other Apostles Catholic too? We'll answer that, in this article....
“Christians” who will be denied Heaven (Part 1)
This is the first part in a three-part series discussing so-called "Christians" who will be denied entrance into Heaven....
“Christians” who will be denied Heaven (Part 2)
This is the second part in the three-part series on "Christians" who will be denied Heaven....
“Christians” Who Will Be Denied Heaven (Part 3)
This is the final installment in the three-part series on "Christians" who will be denied Heaven. ...
Pentecostals vs Christians – aren’t they one-in-the-same?
Are Pentecostals Christians? Don't they teach from the Bible? Those questions and more will be answered in this post....
Why Write About Christianity and Satan?
Do you know that Satan is real? Or are you one of the 42% of Americans who doesn't know he even exists?...
Watch Out For Wolves In Sheep’s Clothing
Is the saying, "Watch out for wolves in sheep's clothing" a cliché or a legitimate warning?...
Has Satan infiltrated and overtaken the Christian church?
Satan had infiltrated Christianity, but has he finally overtaken the Christian church? ...
When did Pentecostals stop being Christians?
The Pentecostal movement continues to increase its presence across the world. But are they Christians? Let's look at what they believe not what they say....